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We help organizations build public trust and communicate effectively with stakeholders.

Company Snapshot

Entity Details

  • CAGE Code: 8U8A0
  • NAICs Codes: 513199, 541360, 541370, 541430, 541511, 541512, 541519, 541611, 541613, 541820
  • Incorporated: December 2020 (Maryland)

Federal Certification

Lagarde is an SBA-certified women-owned small business (WOSB).

Core Competencies

human-centered design

Human-Centered Design

Human-centered design is the heart of digital transformation. We help organizations build trust by focusing on end users' needs to deliver positive customer experiences.

agile web development

Agile Web Development

We use agile methodologies to meet client needs on an ongoing basis. Our flexibile approach enhances customer satisfaction and reduces costs by increasing project control.

communications & outreach

Communications & Outreach

Our communications and outreach strategies have dramatically improved stakeholder engagement measures across multiple domains. We specialize in strategic planning, eLearning, events, email marketing, web content, and social media.

web accessibility (section 508)

Web Accessibility (Section 508)

We believe disabled people should have the same access to websites and documents as others. Our team fully understands Section 508 of the Americans with Disabilities Act, web content accessibility guidelines (WCAG AA+), and the Plain Writing Act of 2010.

quality assurance & testing

Quality Assurance & Testing

Our team has successfully initiated quality assurance and testing efforts across multiple federal and commercial projects, demonstrating our ability to earn client trust while dramatically reducing overhead expenses.

Past Performance

Our track record for delivering exceptional quality is why 80% of our annual revenue comes from recurring contracts with our satisfied customers.

Recent Projects

Working closely with the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services Center for Program Integrity (CPI), our team:

  • Migrated CPI’s webpages from Percussion to Drupal
  • Applied a human-centered design approach to build public-facing webpages using the CMS Design System, an inline CSS library unique to the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services
  • Created 508-compliant toolkits, infographics, and flowcharts for public-facing webpages
  • Wrote content for public-facing webpages and documents to comply with the Plain Writing Act of 2010
  • Developed highly successful communications plans for events and webinars
  • Built and managed event websites and emails using Cvent

Our team created a community website which allowed members of NATO’s intelligence community to connect and exchange messages and share recipes, travel tips, and other information about their countries.

Our team built the prototype for the Joint Planners' Integrated Calendar, a tool to track every step in the Defense Intelligence Agency Joint Intel Ops Center's intel planning process.

Interactive Data Mapping

Our team builds highly customized interactive maps using API endpoints with ArcGis, Mapbox, and javascript. Visit to see a live crime map we created.

Quawan Charles Homicide Investigation

We successfully reshaped the Quawan Charles homicide narrative to get national attention on the case. Watch the interview on Good Morning America.

Contract Vehicles

GSA Multiple Awards Schedule (MAS)

Federal and state agencies can work with us via the GSA MAS Schedule. Our contract number is 47QTCA22D0075 and you can view our pricelist on GSA Advantage eLibrary.

WOSB Federal Contracting Program

Lagarde is an SBA-certified WOSB. This makes us eligible to compete for WOSB set-aside contracts to help the federal government meet its contracting goals. We’re also eligible for sole source contracts up to $4.5 million. Federal Acquisition Regulation 19.1506(b) provides guidance on WOSB sole source contracts.